One of the interesting things about fishing in BDO, is that fish are treated as a trade commodity. This means that selling fish is more “complex” than selling other junk items. This page will tell you how to sell fish in Black Desert Online so you won’t lose out on any silver.
Where to Sell Fish
There are two types of NPC’s that buy fish. Trade managers and Imperial fish traders. The trade managers accept all type of fish, while the imperial fish traders only accept certain blue and yellow grade fish. But, there is one thing that is super important that you must know. To get the best value for your fish you need to have the nodes connected from the spot you caught the fish to the node where you are selling the fish. If they are not connected you only get 30% of the value of the fish. This is no longer needed. You can now sell your fish with any trade manager or imperial fish trader without having the nodes connected.
Trade Managers
These guys can be found in any city, town, village, and even farms in Black Desert Online. They usually give you 80% to 130% of the base value of the fish. On top of that, since fish is considered a trade commodity, you can bargain with the trader to get a small increase to the value of the fish if successful.
And like other trade commodities, you also get a distance bonus when you sell fish. This distance bonus is calculated from the node controlling the spot you caught the fish to the node where you are selling it. So if you have a huge inventory of green grade fish, it may be worth it making the journey from let’s say Calpheon to Altinova to get the trade distance bonus.

Imperial Fish Traders
These guys are only located in selected locations. They are special as they only accept specific blue and yellow ranked fish, but they give you 250% of the value of those fish. However, unlike trade managers, these guys do not give a distance bonus for your sold fish so you should always go for the one closest to the spot where you caught the fish.
Imperial fish traders are found in the following locations:
- Epheria Port
- Glish
- Splashing Point
- Valencia City
- Velia
They are usually found on the wharf or near the other trader NPCs.
How to Sell Your Fish
First, assuming you have some blue and yellow grade fish, take all your fish to an imperial fish trader and sell all the fish he or she will take. Next, decide if the rest of the fish is valuable enough that traveling for a distance bonus is worth it. For example. taking fish from the Epheria Sea to Altinova should give about a 50% distance bonus to the value of the fish.
Personally, I just sell my remaining fish at the local trader and go out fishing again, but in some cases, it may be worth the hassle. Unless I have a lot of Coelacanth in my inventory.
You need an empty inventory slot to finish the transaction.
is there something specific you need to do to sell the fish, I tried3 different trade managers but I always get the message “there is no empty slot”
any help is appreciated
During fishing events, there is an unusual amount of fish being sold to the traders and they only buy a certain amount each day.
Thank you so much for this, I thought I needed to connect all nodes. But i have a question about that, let’s say i get fish at a non-connected node, and i go to another non-connected node to sell that fish, do i still sell it for 80%-130% the value of the fish?
Yes, I believe so. You can always try to yourself, but I am pretty sure that’s how it works.