On its own, honey wine is nothing special, only giving a small damage reduction. However, honey wine is one of the “usually” profitable items to make for imperial cooking delivery. Making honey wine is rather simple, but there is an extra step or two you need to make. This explanation assumes you know how cooking works, if not then please read my cooking guide first. Anyway, here is the recipe for honey wine.
The BDO Honey Wine Recipe
- Cooking Honey x 3
- Essence of Liqueur x 2
- Sugar x 2
- Water x 6
Of these four materials, you either need to buy the cooking honey and the essence of liqueur from the central marketplace or get them by yourself. The other two ingredients can be purchased from a Tavern vendor which are found near or inside the taverns in all the major cities.
How to Get Cooking Honey
From the information listed on the item in BDO, you need to shoot a wooden beehive and then grind it to make cooking honey. Doing that is hard and time-consuming, but there is a much simpler way. North-west of Heidel is Alejandro’s Farm. One of the worker nodes there produces cooking honey. So if you invest in that node and assign a worker to it you will get a decent amount of cooking honey in a rather short time. You can read my workers guide if you are unsure of how workers work (no pun intended).

honey for honey wine.
How to Make Essence of Liqueur
While you can usually buy the essence of liqueur from the central marketplace, it’s more profitable to gather yourself the required materials and make it from scratch. Here is the recipe for the essence of liqueur.
The BDO Essence of Liqueur Recipe
- 1x Fruit
- 2xFlour
- Leavening Agent
Of these three materials you need to gather or buy the fruit from the central marketplace and you need to buy or make flour by processing grains (wheat, barley, corn, etc.). The leavening agent can be purchased from a Tavern vendor which are found near or inside the taverns in all the major cities.
How to Get Fruit
Fruit is generally difficult to gather, but as with the cooking honey, there is a much simpler way. Roughly east of Olivia is Costa’s Farm. One of the worker nodes there produces grapes. So if you invest in that node and assign a worker to it you will get a decent amount of grapes in a rather short time.

Costa’s Farm is located where the red circle is. When you have decent cooking skills you should get just over one honey wine at the end for each grape you use.
How to Get Flour
To get flour you need to process grains, such as barley, wheat and corn. To process you just press the “L” button which opens the processing screen, select the grinding option and then click on the grain you want to process. For each grain you process you get on average 2.5 flour once your skill level is at artisan 2.
Making Honey Wine
First, make the necessary amount of essence of liqueur. Once you have all the required ingredients for it you just need to place them together in your cooking utensil and start the cooking job. Only place the amount needed for a single batch. Anything more and you will lose all the extra materials. Once everything is ready you just need to start the cooking process. Each batch should give you on average 2.5 essence of liqueur once your skill is high enough.
Finally, once you got all the ingredients for honey wine you can start cooking it. As with the essence of liqueur, just place the correct amount of each ingredient together in your cooking utensil and start the cooking job. Again, only place the amount needed for a single batch. When you’re ready, start the cooking process and soon you will have a bunch of cooking honey. Now if you intend to pack it together and sell it to an imperial trade delivery NPC you need 50 honey wine for a single pack.
So, that’s about it. Now if you liked this guide then be sure to share it with your friends and allies and feel free to check out my other Black Desert Online guides.
Top quality honey +2
Full-bodied Exotic Herbal wine *4
sugar 10
fruit 2
It failed for me I wanna know which quest gives the details to make it. Otherwise it just fails no outcome of cooking
Not sure why it is failing for you.
Are you using raw sugar instead of regular sugar? And water from the Tavern vendor? Bottled river water or something like that won’t work.
The quest with the knowledge is called “Into the Sweet Honey Jar” and is part of the fairy quest chain. You can find it at the Kamsylva Temple node just east of Heidel.