Clear liquid reagent is one of the first things you should make when starting your alchemy career in BDO. This product is an ingredient in many other alchemical recipes you will likely want to make later on. It is also a decent way to get your alchemy skill up a bit as the ingredients needed are generally cheap and easily accessible.
The recipe for Clear Liquid Reagent is:
- 1x Purified water
- 1x Sunrise Herb
- 1x Salt
- 1x Wild Grass or Weed
How to Get the Ingredients for Clear Liquid Reagent
Here are instructions on how to best get the materials listed in the recipe. There may of course be other ways, but in my experience, this is the easiest way. Besides just buying them all from the central market of course.
Purified Water
I have a detailed explanation on how to make purified water, but I will address the main points from that explanation here.
To make purified water you need to filter bottled river water through processing. To get river water you first need to buy bottles from a material vendor (show as a scythe symbol on the map). For each bottle of river water you want, you need to buy one empty bottle from the vendor.
Once you have your bottles you need to find a fresh water source, such as a river, fountain, or a pond. Step into the water, right-click the bottle in your inventory, and start collecting water. Note that gathering water costs energy just like any other gathering action. However, this type of gathering can be set on auto-repeat, which also makes it a good way to level your processing skill to professional 1 is you are grinding up your life fame for the fame level bonus.
To auto-repeat the gathering action you can check the small box that appears next to the gathering bar that says “Repeat Drawing Water”. This will ensure that you gather water until either you stop it manually, you run out of bottles or your character runs out of energy.
Once you have enough water you need to process it (press L) by filtering the water. For each bottle of water you finish filtering, you should get on average 2.5 purified water at processing skill level artisan 1.
How to Get Sunrise Herbs
The only reasonable way to get sunshine herbs in a large enough amount is to have a worker gather it for you at a gathering node which has sunrise herbs. The easiest node to use is most likely the one at Balenos forest shown in the image below. By having a worker gather at that node you should, in a relatively short amount of time, get more sunrise herbs than you know what to do with. I stopped my workers working the node when I reached over 50.000 herbs.

Getting Salt
Salt is simply bought from the Tavern Vendor in any city in Black Desert Online. It costs 20 silver.
How to Get Wild Grass or Weeds.
To find weeds you need to roam the land and gather from any type of herb or fruit tree you see. Doing this should get you a lot of weeds before you know it. A nice tactic is to find an NPC farm with a lot of gathering spots. An example of such is found around the Northern Plantation, Northeast of Calpheon.
Alternatively, you can buy the weeds you need from the central marketplace. I find that to be the most cost/time effective way as wild herb or weeds are usually cheap and plentiful on the central market and not really worth the time and effort to gather them by yourself.
Mixing it All Together.
Once you have all the ingredients you can mix them together by using your alchemy utensil. I explain how that works in detail in my BDO alchemy guide, but in brief, you need to get yourself a residence, make or buy an alchemy utensil, place it in your house and then press “r” next to the utensil.
At that point, you need to place the ingredients in the tool. Remember to only place the amount needed for a single batch in the tool window. When done you can press “Start Alchemy” or “Batch Production” Start alchemy will only make a single batch, while batch production will make batches as long as you have ingredients in your inventory and your tool has some durability left.
So that’s about everything there is to making clear liquid reagent in BDO. If you found this guide useful then please share it with your friends and allies in Black Desert Online and also feel free to check out my other BDO guides.