In BDO, fairies are a great addition to your character progression. They grant you added skills and bonuses, including a guaranteed +1 to your luck stat, which is very useful. In this guide, I will tell you how to complete the fairy quests to get one, how to level your fairy up, and show you how the four fairy tiers affect the abilities she can grant your character. I will also explain how you can get a new fairy if the tier of your first one is not as good as you hoped for.
Getting Your First Fairy Companion
To get your first fairy companion, you need to complete the fairy quest line that your Black Spirit offers you at level 52. The first quest is called “Fairy Queen Theiah,” and it can be found in the “Suggestions” tab in the Black Spirit quest window. This quest will take you to the Kamasylva temple in Mediah, where you must speak with Queen Theiah to start the quest line.

Before you go to do the quest, you should get two Cooking Honey and place them in your inventory to save time, as they are required for the first step of this quest line. If you don’t already have cooking honey, you can probably buy some from the market or get it from Alejandro at Alejandro’s farm just outside of Heidel.
Fairy Quest 1: Sweet Honey, A Source of Power
If you brought cooking honey with you, you just need to hand it over to complete this quest. As a reward, Theiah will give you a Special Honey Jar. You can then pick up the next quest in this line. If you forgot the cooking honey, then you need to get some at this point and give it to Theiah.
Fairy Quest 2: Into the Sweet Honey Jar
You are now asked to go to the Unstable Crevice and place the Honey Jar there. You do that by interacting with the crevice. The Crevice is just a few steps south of Queen Theiah and should show on your mini-map. A fairy will drop through the crevice and then disappear again. You can now return to Queen Theiah.
Fairy Quest 3: Laila’s Scattered Petals

Now you need to collect Laila’s petals from around the world. You get the petals by gathering, fishing, and killing monsters. This part is the most time-consuming part of the questline, but it is well worth doing as fairies are really useful. The best way to do this is to simply continue doing what you are used to (unless you only do processing/cooking/alchemy), and once you have a single Laila’s petal, you can return to Queen Theiah to complete the quest.
Alternatively, you can hold off starting this questline until you have a few petals, as they drop regardless of you having this quest active. Also, having a few petals will allow you to try for a better fairy after this questline is finished, as explained below.
Fairy Quest 4: Mysterious Companion
This is the final quest in the quest line. You must interact with the Kamasylva tree to complete the quest and get Sealed Fairy Wings. This item rewards you with a single random-tiered fairy companion.
To open the item, you need to click on the box next to the Kamasylva tree, and you should get your very first fairy, congratulations.
The Fairy Companion Explained
Once you have a fairy, you need to find out what you can do with it. The first important part is to understand the fairy tier system. Like regular pets, fairies have four tiers: faint, glimmering, brilliant, and radiant.
The Fairy Tiers and How They Connect to Her Skills.
As mentioned, there are four tiers, with each tier allowing a different amount of skills.
- Faint can have two skills and can grow to level 10
- Glimmering can have three skills and can grow to level 20
- Brilliant can have four skills and can grow to level 30
- Radiant can have five skills and can grow to level 40
However, every fairy companion starts with the Gift skill, which gives you +1 to your luck stat.
The skills she can learn are the following:
- Tingling Breath – Increases underwater breathing time
- Feathery Steps – Reduces weight penalty
- Fairy’s tear – Instant resurrection w/o death penalty, long cooldown.
Inexhaustible Well – Auto-consumption of Purified Water or Star Anise Tea upon the onset of Desert illness- Morning Start – She lights up the area
Miraculous Cheer – Auto-consumption of potions upon HP/MP/WP/SP reduction.
Now each of these skills (excl. Morning Star) can have five different levels. The starting skill level is random, but the highest level she can get depends on her tier. Just press the question mark in her skill window to see which skills your fairy can learn and what level she can get them at. For a more detailed look at these skills, you can also read the patch notes.
Growing Your Fairy’s Level.
To grow your fairy’s level, you must feed it equipment items, weapons, and armor of at least green quality. A rule of thumb here is the higher its value the greater experience it gives. For example, a Dobart helmet gives ten times the experience than a Rocaba helmet gives.
Also, higher-grade items seem to give more experience than the same value of lower-grade items. For example, one Lemoria shoe (blue-grade item) gives more experience than 10 Taritas shoes (green-grade item), despite costing the same amount of silver (when this is written).
You can also feed her Sweet Honey Wine to grow her experience. However, sweet honey wine is hard to get. There is usually nothing on the market, and to make it, you need the following ingredients;
- 2x Top-Quality Cooking Honey
- 4x Full-bodied Exotic Wine
- 10x Sugar
- 2x Fruits
Of these ingredients, the hardest to get is the top-quality cooking honey as it requires you to shoot a wooden beehive with a matchlock and then grind the beehive you get. Getting a decent amount of cooking honey this way takes a long time. you can also get Sweet Honey Wine by exchanging extra fairies you do not intend to keep.
Getting a Better Fairy Companion in BDO
If you’re not happy with your current fairy you can try to get another of a higher tier. There are two ways to get a higher-tiered fairy. The first way, which is usually the best to use until you get a T3 fairy is to do a repeatable quest (not a daily) that you get from Queen Theiah. To complete it, you need to give her two of Laila’s petals, and in return, you get another Sealed Fairy Wings. Now, the nice part about this is that you can collect a bunch of Laila’s petals, bring them all to Queen Theiah, and repeat the quests as often as you have Laila’s petals to do so. This should give you a bunch of Sealed Fairy Wings, which you can open simultaneously. By doing this, you get a bunch of Sealed Fairy Wings at once, hopefully with at least one being higher-tiered than your current fairy.
You then need to release the current fairy you have before you can summon a new one. This is irreversible, so you will lose your current fairy if you do this. When you dismiss your fairy, you will get some Ancient Spirit Dust, which is useful for making Caphras stones, and some fairy powder you should sell to a vendor. Once the fairy is dismissed you then click on the Sealed Fairy Wings you have selected and summon your new fairy from the Kamasylva tree. The rest of the Sealed Fairy Wings can be exchanged with Ceilyn, as explained below.
I recommend that you try to get at least a glimmering fairy at first, as it is fairly easy. Higher-tiered fairies require a bit of luck.
Upgrading Your Fairy
The second way is to upgrade your fairy once it hits the max level. You can do this at every tier, but seeing as it’s not too hard to get a tiered 3 fairy by doing the repeatable quest, I’d only use this method for the T3 to T4 upgrade. Note that you’re fairy only has one chance of upgrading. To upgrade you need Sweet Honey Wine or Dark-Honey wine and the more you use for the attempt the higher chance you get for a successful upgrade.
If you fail to upgrade your fairy, you can either dismiss it after rolling for a new one or rebirth it to start again from level 1.
Resetting Your Fairy’s Skills – Rebirthing.
If you are unhappy with the skills your fairy has, you can reset her down to level 0 and remove her skills. This is a useful option as getting a radiant tier one is hard and it would really hurt if she then only gets level 1 skills. To reset her skills, you need to press the rebirth button at the bottom of the fairy screen. However, you do need to purchase Fairy Queen’s Might from the Pearl Shop to do so. And be careful, once rebirthed you cannot go back.
Finding Ceilyn and Exchanging Sealed Fairy Wings for Sweet Honey
Sealed Fairy Wings that you do not wish to use can be exchanged for sweet honey wine. To do that, you need to speak with Ceilyn. Annoyingly, you can’t use the typical method (right-clicking the exchangeable item) of finding NPCs with her, but thankfully, she is the small NPC that stands next to Theiah and the Node Manager.
Each Sealed Fairy Wing you turn in rewards you with sweet honey wine, with the amount depending on the Sealed Fairy Wings tier.
So that’s it for this BDO fairy guide. If you found it useful, please share it with your friends and allies in Black Desert Online and feel free to look at my other BDO guides.
so when my farries is radiant and i sprout it all my skills get delated and raise it all over again
Super helpful
Thank you!