Gathering in Maplestory 2 is a nice side activity that rewards you with raw materials which can be used for crafting. It also gives you experience points. At 0,175% for each successful action, it is clearly a nice way to supplement experience gained from adventuring. In this gathering guide, I go over the type and locations of nodes, how to advance gathering and which items can be useful for gathering.
How to Gather in Maplestory 2.
What’s makes gathering in Maplestory 2 different from other games is that you have a maximum amount you can gather of each material per day. It’s not related to nodes as such, just the type of material you are collecting. There are four types of gathering actions: Mining, Ranching, Foraging and Farming. In practice, they behave the same, but there are some small differences.
To start gathering you simply need to move your character to a gathering node and then press the action button (F on PC) that starts the process. You start off with a high chance of success, changing to average and then low as you use the node more. When the success chance has dropped to low you will start to fail some gathering actions. You should then decide if you want to stop and move on to the next node or stick it out until you get the final piece and the chance changes to impossible, at which point you cannot get any more materials from that node type.
Type and Location of Gathering Nodes.
The nodes can be split into two separate categories. In the first, you have the ranching and farming nodes. These nodes do not appear in the wild, but it is really easy to set them up in your home. A clever way to set them up is to have four different types arranged as shown below. By positioning your character at the exact center you can gather from all four nodes with a single action, saving a lot of time. How to get a home and place furniture and nodes is, however, outside the scope of this gathering guide.
The second group contains the mining and foraging nodes which can only be found in the wild. When you are in a location with nodes you can see their position on the minimap. Mining spots are shown as a pickaxe and foraging spots are shown as a shovel. They often are collected in bundles, but rarely as nicely as the ones you can place yourself in your home. Below is a list of their locations and the rank required to access these nodes. Be sure to bookmark this gathering guide for easy access to this list in the future.
Mining | Foraging | Location | Required Rank |
Copper ore | Marjoram | Evansville | 1 |
Tin ore Mined Opal | Lavender Purple Bloom Dust | Queenstown | 2 |
Zinc ore | Rosemary | Middleton | 3 |
Silver Ore Miner Sapphire | Lemon Balm White Bloom Dust | Silverstone Bridge | 4 |
Iron Ore | Mandarin | Resortville | 5 |
Lead Ore Mined Diamond | Jasmine Plum Bloom Dust | New Goldus | 6 |
Nickel Ore | Tea Tree | Oasis Town | 7 |
Ravensteel Ore Mined Amethyst | Cherry Sage Red Bloom Dust | Crystal Vale | 8 |
Tungsten Ore | Patchouli | Aner Park | 9 |
Gold Ore Mined Amber | Oregano Blue Bloom Dust | Blooming Farm | 10 |
Platinum Ore | Yarrow | Ellin Town | 11 |
Cobalt Ore Mined Pearl | Basil Green Bloom Dust | Orne Town | 12 |
Palladium Ore | Bergamot | Eileen Town | 13 |
Advancing in Gathering.
The only way to advance your mastery in the gathering professions is by collecting materials from nodes. At first, you will only be able to collect materials from a single type of node for each skill line. The first ones are copper veins, chicken pen, Marjoram herb and rice paddy. At rank 1 these will grant you mastery points, but as you see from the image below, when your rank increases they stop giving mastery points, meaning that you need to collect from higher ranking nodes to gain mastery. Getting from rank 1 to rank 2 is fast but increasing in rank becomes progressively harder as you advance.

Items useful for Gathering.
There are a few consumable items that you can craft which are useful for gathering. Usually, they grant you a 100% bonus to your yield, but at the same time, each item only lasts for a few seconds up to 200 seconds at most. Still, as you can only perform so many gathering actions a day, using those items is usually worth it and is the only way to increase your daily yield. Below is a list of those items, how long they last and the required cooking/handicraft rank you need to make them. Remember though that you only have a limited space to keep your consumable items, so it is usually a good idea to make these items just as you need them.
Items useful for mining | Items useful for foraging | Items useful for ranching | Items useful for farming | Duration seconds | Crafting rank required to make |
Chicken feather pouch | Rice chips | Copper chain mail gloves | Majoram Supplement | 8 seconds | Rank 1 |
Pigskin pouch | Apple chips | Zinc chain mail gloves | Rosemary Supplement | 40 seconds | Rank 3 |
Woolen pouch | Orange chips | Ironchain mail gloves | MandarinSupplement | 72 seconds | Rank 5 |
Deer hide pouch | Banana chips | Nickel chain mail gloves | Tea Supplement | 104 seconds | Rank 7 |
Eagle feather pouch | Tomato chips | Tungsten chain mail gloves | Patchouli Supplement | 144 seconds | Rank 9 |
Griffin feather pouch | Pear chips | Cobalt chain mail gloves | Bergamout Supplement | 200 seconds | Rank 12 |
So that’s it for gathering in Maplestory 2. If you found this gathering guide useful then why not tell your friend and allies in Maplestory 2 about it. You might also find my crafting guide useful as you need to do something with all the materials you will get.