Neutral skull gems are rare drops that are required to create exotic armor and weapons, such as the Prismatic Grace and the Molten Edict. A neutral skull gem can only drop from neutral behemoths which are of threat level 8 or higher. So at first sight, it should not be all that hard to get one. But there is a catch
To get a neutral skull gem, you need to break a piece of a neutral behemoth head, which is at least of threat level 8, within two minutes of entering combat. That’s right, in under two minutes. This, of course, means that you need to have some tactics in place to do this.
What you first need is a weapon that deals out part damage. This can be a sword, an axe or chain blades, or a repeater. Be sure that you have the weapon upgraded to its highest level possible. This will hopefully be enough to break off a part of the head quickly to hopefully get that neutral skull gem. For extra damage, throw a grenade at the behemoths head before you assault it head-on.
Secondly, you will probably need to get your teammates to use only part damage weapons and concentrate their own attacks on the behemoths head. It will take decent concentrated damage to the head to get the part to break off in such a short time. The best way to find teammates that are willing to take part in this plan is through a guild.
What Behemoth is Best to Farm Neutral Skull Gems.
Here you need to consider how the behemoths move about in combat. The Gnasher is somewhat quick, running bit around. The Shrike is awful for this as it tends to move quickly and can fly up in the air, leaving precious time wasted. Finally, we have the Quillshot. It tends to slug around a bit and its head is close to ground level. Because of this, it is an ideal candidate for a directed attack intended to farm neutral skull gems. If you agree just remember that it needs to be the Deadeye Quillshot as the regular is only at threat level 5.

Finally, it should be noted that a similar approach is needed to get claw gems and tail gems, with the target being the behemoths claws or tail.
So that’s about all you need to know about getting neutral skull gems in Dauntless. If you found this information useful then please share it with your friends and allies in Dauntless and feel free to check out my other Dauntless guides.
Hopefully this helps, thanks
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