BDO transport system explained intro image. showing Saarith sitting in a wagon.

There are in essence two kinds of transport systems in BDO. The character transport system and the material transport system. The material transport system is no doubt the version which is mostly used but knowing how the character transport system works can also save you a lot of time. Here I explain in detail how both these systems work and how to get the most out of them.


Transport System For Materials.

If you are a lifeskiller in BDO or use workers to supplement your grinding income, then you need to understand how the material transports system in BDO works. Since workers always drop the materials they gather in the storage of the town they belong to you will need to transport the material to whatever town you use as a hub.

Accessing the Transport System

First of all, you need to access the transport system. You can do this in two ways. First, you can access it by interacting with the storage NPC. The initial screen has a few tabs at the bottom, one of which is labeled transport. By clicking that tab you open up the transport interface.

The second way is to use the map. If you click on a town you see what is in that towns storage, at the bottom of that screen is the transport tap, clicking on it will also open the same transport interface.

Setting up a transport

Once you have accessed the transport system interface you should see something that looks like this:

Image shows the BDO transport system interface screen as it appears when you open the screen.
The BDO transport interface.

The interface always opens up in the status screen, so you first need to press the send button. In there you can select the town you want to send your products by changing the value in the “Destination” tab, and which wagon you want to use by changing the value in the “Transportation” tab.

Once you have selected those parameters you can select the items you want that wagon to take. You can see from the image below that the weight limit, number of packs and the transport fee is shown as you are selecting items to transport. You can also see how many wagons you have left to use.

When the wagon is full or you have selected everything you want to move you just need to press the send button and it is off its merry way. You can now return to the status screen to see how long it will take for the wagon to reach its destination.

Wagons, Weight Limit and Transportation Cost

At the moment you can only have 5 wagons to transport your goods from town to town. I am predicting that in time there will be a Pearl Shop option to increase that number, but for now, it is 5. Each wagon can take up to 1500 LT of weight or 20 items. This is a difference from the old system, however overall the change is not so terrible as many think it is, in fact, this is an improvement. Let me explain.

In the old system, each slot you had took about 50 LT. You could transport at any one time 100 slots. So that’s about 5000 LT at once. With this system, you can transport up to 7500 LT with all you wagons in use. The total number of slots is also the same, but now each item only takes one slot at a time, no matter how much you transfer. So, in essence, we are getting both more LT and more slots.

However, the drawback is that you can only transfer items between 5 pair of towns at a time. So in those rare occasions where you might want to move stuff from numerous towns at the same time, this system is worse.

The cost of transport is connected to the total amount of LT you are transporting, regardless of the number of slots you use. Also, if you do not have all the nodes between the towns you are moving your goods you need to pay three times the amount. However, the total silver cost is actually rather small.

BDO Transport System and Trade Goods

In the old system, you were able to transport trade goods using this system. This is no longer possible, which is yet another nail to the trading coffin.

Transport System For Characters

There is another transport system in BDO which is designed to transport characters while you are either playing another character or offline. This system is quite handy if you need to move your characters about without having to spend time doing it.

To initiate the transport you first need to log on the character you want to move. Next, you open the “end game” screen (press “ESC” and select disconnect) and click where it says transport. From there you select which town you want your character to be transported to and what character you want to log onto during the transport.

Image shows the three steps of BDO's Chracter transport system.

To transport a character will take a lot of time and you are much quicker just running between the towns. For example, moving Saarith from Velia to Heidel takes 60 minutes with the transport system, while running it takes about 5. However, in cases where you need a specific character at a specific spot later in the day, this system could save you a lot of time you can use for other more entertaining ventures.

So that’s about it when it comes to transporting goods and characters in Black Desert Online. Now if you found this guide useful then feel free to check out my other BDO guides and please share it with your friends and allies in BDO.

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