If you intend to create a worker empire in BDO, you should learn how to make beer or some other type of worker food. While you can buy worker food from the market, it is a harsh mistress to rely on as the market can dry up, causing your workers to run out of energy and stop working.
Of the worker foods, beer is the easiest to make, and since each beer will restore your worker’s energy by two points it’s also a good choice overall.
Making beer requires a few steps which are: gathering the raw materials, getting a residence, purchasing and installing a cooking utensil at your residence, and finally cooking the beer. But before all that you need to know the beer recipe.
The BDO Beer Recipe
Your character does not need to learn the recipe as in most MMO games. In Black Desert Online it is enough to know what combination of materials will give you the desired product.
The recipe for beer is:
- 5 x Grains of the same type x 5 (can be: oat, barley, corn, wheat, potato)
- 1 x Sugar
- 2 x Leavening Agent
- 6 x Water
Of these four materials, the only one you need to gather yourself is the grains, such as wheat, corn, and potato. The other materials can be purchased from a Tavern vendor which can be found near or inside the taverns in all the major cities.
How to Gather the Grains
While you can gather the grain yourself from farming and gathering it is very time-consuming. A far better way is to have a few workers gather the grain for you. Very early in the game, you will come across Toscani Farm. This farm has two corn nodes that can supply you with enough grain to make beer for a long time. You just need to get a couple of workers in Velia and have them work those nodes. You can read my workers guide if you are unsure of how workers work (no pun intended)
Later, as your worker empire expands, you might need more grain nodes at which point you will have a few to choose from, such as the potatoes at Bartali farm or the wheat and barley at the Northern Wheat Plantation.
Finding a Residence for Cooking Beer
The only way to make beer is by using a cooking utensil inside your own residence. A residence is basically your home. There are residences available all over Black Desert, so just choose one that is in a place that suits you. The investment cost ranges from a single contribution point to a few points depending on the size of the residence. In the image below you see the location of a residence in Velia you can get for a single contribution point.

Cooking Utensils Available in BDO
After you have invested in a residence you need to buy or make a cooking utensil. There are a few different cooking utensils in the game which give different bonuses. The easiest to get is the Basic Cooking Utensil and the Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil as they can be bought from a Tavern vendor.
The basic utensil has no bonuses and 100 durability points, while the Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil has 500 durability points, but it gets a penalty of increased cooking time for +5 seconds each batch. The Balenos Utensil is, therefore, best used while AFK cooking. There are other utensils available that have both reduced cooking time and increased durability. You can get those from the Central Market.
When you have bought a cooking utensil you need to place it inside your residence. While inside your residence, press the P button to access placement mode. Then just select the cooking utensil and place it in your house wherever you wish.
Cooking the Beer Itself
Once this is all done you can start cooking your beer. To do so you need to activate the cooking utensil by pressing R while standing next to it. This opens the cooking interface and you now need to place the exact amount of each material for a single batch of beer into the windows as seen below. If you place less, the batch will fail and if you place more the extra will be wasted. So be sure to place the correct amount.

You can now choose to run a single batch or go for continuous production. If you want to run multiple batches you can press “Continuous Production” and then max. Doing that will keep your character cooking until he runs out of materials.
As an example, to run 500 beer production batches you would need 2500 grains of the same sort, 500 sugars, 1000 leavening agents, and 3000 water in your inventory. You would then place 5 grains, 1 sugar, 2 leavening agents, and 6 water into the windows as seen above. Press “Continuous Production” and then press maximum quantity. It should show 500 runs and when you press “OK” your character will start cooking 500 batches of beer.
Note that as your cooking skills go up you will start getting more beer out of each batch in addition to a blue version of beer which gives 50% more energy. You will also get extra dishes which give rewards, such as contribution points and silver if turned in to certain NPC’s
Useful Cooking Clothes While Making Beer in BDO.
There are a couple of clothing types that speed up cooking and increase the experience earned while making beer in BDO. These are the Canape costume set and the Silver Embroidered Cook’s Clothes.
The Canape costume set is a Pearl Store Item sold for 2.900 pearls. It gives you +15% cooking experience and reduces the cooking time of each batch by 2 seconds. Those 2 seconds don’t seem a lot but for a batch of 500 that reduces the time by 1000 seconds, which is just under 17 minutes.
The Silver Embroidered Cook’s Clothes also increase the experience earned and reduce the cooking time. This is however dependent on the enhancement level ranging from just a time reduction of -1 second for non-enhanced clothes, up to +30% increase to experience, and -7 second time reduction for +5 enhanced clothes.
So, there you have it, by following this guide you should be able to make beer for your entire workforce in no time at all. Now if you liked this guide then please share it with your friends and allies and feel free to check out my general cooking guide and my other Black Desert Online guides.
Thanks! Nice Info 😉
Very well thought out. Excellent info for Dummies like me!!!
Great info! Thanks for sharing 🙂