One of the fastest ways to get contribution points in BDO is through cooking. Although the amount of CP experience from cooking was nerfed pretty hard in 2020 it still remains the fastest way in my opinion. You see while cooking you have a chance of getting a side dish called “Witch’s Delicacy” which you can exchange for contribution experience. Because of this, it is entirely possible to get loads of CP from cooking alone. Since contribution points are an important part of the game, knowing how to cook for CP is, therefore, a useful skill to have.

What Recipe to Choose When Cooking For CP?
When cooking for CP you want to make the simplest of recipes as the recipes themselves has no meaning on the side-dishes you make. So you want to use a cheap recipe that is easy to get ingredients from and is both useful and might even leave you with a little profit. The only recipe I know of that checks all those boxes is the BDO beer recipe.
I have a more detailed guide on how to cook beer in BDO, but the basic steps are:
- Get a residence.
- Buy or make cooking utensils.
- Collect the ingredients, each batch needs 5x grain, 1x sugar, 2x leavening agents and 6x water.
- Go to your residence, place the cooking utensil in the residence, stand next to it, press R, and place the ingredients in the boxes in the cooking interface. Be careful to place the correct amount of each ingredient needed for a single batch.
- Press Start and you’re making beer.
What Do the Side Dishes Give?
Dish with poorly prepared ingredients x 5 – Contribution point experience.Taken out food x5 – Cooking experienceStrongly seasoned dish x3 – MilkDish with weird texture x2 – BeerDish with more ingredients x5 – 3000 Silver
From this, you can see that the Dish With Poorly Prepared Ingredients is the one that gives you contribution points when you turn it in too the appropriate NPC. The other dishes are also useful. You can use Taken Out Food to either boost your own cooking experience or get your alts cooking experience quickly above Professional 1 for those nice little family fame benefits. And the others can be used or sold at the central marketplace.
The above content no longer applies to the PC version of the game on most regional servers. I will keep it there for a few months for the console players. These days there is only one type of side dish, “Witch’s Delicacy”. You can exchange 10 Witch’s Delicacies with Nadia Rowen of Olivia to get the following:
- 500 x beer
- 120 x Milk
- 900 Contribution EXP and 30 cooking EXP
Finding the NPC That Exchanges Side-Dishes for Contribution Points.
The easiest way to find the NPC that accepts your side dishes is to simply place the side dish in your inventory, right-click on it and select “Nearest NPC”. You then just go to the NPC shown on the map, either manually or by auto-running, and talk to him to turn in the side dishes.
Increasing Cooking Speed For CP Cooking
Because you are cooking to get CP you want to be able to cook as fast as you can to get through the most cooking actions. There are a few items in the game that help you reduce cooking time. They are:
- The Canape costume set ( -2.0 seconds )
- Silver Embroidered Cook’s Clothes ( -1.0 second to -7.0 seconds )
- Alchemy Stone of Life ( -0.5 seconds to -1.7 seconds )
- Advanced Cooking Utensil ( -1.0 seconds )
- Teff Sandwich ( -0.5 seconds )
The following setup has a 1.1-second cooking time and is somewhat reasonable to acquire.:
- Canape costume set ( -2.0 seconds )
- +3 Silver Embroidered Cook’s Clothes ( – 4.0 seconds)
- Sharp Alchemy Stone of Life (-1.4 seconds)
- Advanced Cooking Utensil ( -1.0 seconds)
- Teff Sandwich (- 0.5 seconds)
You can push this to one second by using Cron seafood, or by getting a +4 Silver Embroidered Cook’s Clothes, in which case you can use a cheaper alchemy stone.
So, there you have it. If you liked this guide then please share it with your friends and allies and feel free to check out my general cooking guide and my other Black Desert Online guides.