In Dauntless, repeaters are the only ranged weapon players can get. To get access to those weapons you will first need to complete a few quests. These quests are offered very early in the game, which means you can get the repeaters soon after you start. The quest you need to finish is called “Go Forth and Slay” and is eventually offered by Katerin Sorrel.
Once you have completed that quest you need to find Janek Jai and complete the quest he offers you. Once you have completed that quest, you will get access to repeaters. You equip your repeater the same way as any other weapon. After you have the repeater you can also accept “The Guns of Oringard” quest to get more component options to craft and upgrade for your repeaters.
So in short, just do all the quests you get and eventually, you will get access to the repeaters in Dauntless. Also, if you haven’t already then check out my beginner’s guide for some helpful tips.
Crafting and Upgrading Repeaters.
Besides being a ranged weapon, repeaters are considerably different from the other weapons in the game. To start with, there are four pieces to a repeater. These are Barrel, Grip, Chamber, and Prism. Each of these parts has its own special abilities and elemental types. For example, there is a standard barrel which is neutral and an inferno barrel which is blaze type.

As with weapon and armor crafting, you need to collect materials from behemoths to craft repeater parts. To see what parts you need you can talk to Janek Zai and look at the requirements. Click on the craft repeater button and you can see the requirements below the create button. For example, a frost barrel needs 80 rams, 3 skraev feathers and one Skraev tailfeather.

Each of these four pieces can also be upgraded with the correct type of orb. So a neutral orb is needed to upgrade the standard barrel since it is a neutral part. And a frost orb is needed to upgrade the Glacial Prism as it is a frost type part. From +1 to +5 you will only need rams and orbs to upgrade a repeater component. At higher enhancement levels you will start to need further materials as you can see from the image below.

Hunting With Repeaters
There aren’t any combos to learn and use while hunting with a repeater. Instead, your combat style needs to fit which chamber and what grip you are using.
For example, the marksman chamber is good if you are fighting in a team where you can mark a part of the behemoth and everyone goes after it, but the ballistic chamber is better for solo hunts as if it will generally do more damage.
So when selecting repeater components consider if you are going solo or with a team and if the team is made up of friends and guildmates or just a random bunch. Also, keep in mind your playstyle, some components are better for up close combat with a lot of dodging while others are more suited for mid-range fighting.
When in Combat
In combat, I prefer to stay in mid-range from the behemoth, as this gives me more time to dodge and still dish out damage. The damage from repeaters depends on your distance from the target. There are roughly three ranges, with the longest range giving the least amount of damage. You can also get a damage bonus if you recharge your repeaters right next to a behemoth.
You should also stay mobile. I usually run around the behemoths and place extra care to dodge their attacks, if you are using the frost prism doing this will also lay mines which do a good deal of damage. And while doing this I am at the same time constantly shooting at the behemoth and trying to aim for part damage.

Skillshots and Thrown Ability
Use your skillshot ability whenever it is charged (right mouse button on PC). There is no reason to save it unless the behemoth is moving fast, making it hard to hit. There is also no reason for you to try to stagger the behemoth, let the melee people with the hammers deal with that. Just be sure to fire it in an angle that makes it go through the most parts of the behemoth, maximizing damage.
You should also use your thrown ability whenever it is charged (press Q on PC), the damage you can do or the boosts you and your teammates get is worth spamming it. If you are using captains grip be sure to throw it a little out of the behemoth’s path as it will destroy the buff if it is on the ground. For the saboteur’s grip, a great way to use it is to drop it in front of a behemoth as it charges.
So that’s about it for this small explanation on repeaters. If you found this information useful then please share it with your friends and allies in Dauntless and feel free to check out my other Dauntless guides.
Good luck on your hunting.
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