Foods and Drinks that Buff Fishing Abilities
Here is a table of all the foods and drinks that buff your fishing abilities in Black Desert Online. From this table it is obvious that the Balenos meal and the Coconut cocktail are the most useful food and drink.

Foods and Drinks that Buff Gathering Abilities
Here is a table of all the foods and drinks that buff your gathering abilities in Black Desert Online. From this table it is obvious that the Balenos meal or the Boiled Shellfish are best depending on wither you are gathering at sea or on land. However, if you gathering ability is already at rank 5 then fig pies become and interesting choice.

Foods and Drinks that Buff Experience Gained
Here is a table of all the foods and drinks that increase the experience earned for both combat and life skill actions in Black Desert Online. From this table it is obvious that fresh whale meat is best for life experience, while smooth milk tea trumps for combat experience.