In Dauntless, orbs are an essential part of your gear progression as they are required to upgrade your existing gear. The orbs themselves come in seven elemental types which correspond to the element of the weapon they can be used to enhance. Blaze orbs enhance blaze weapons, frost orbs enhance frost weapons and so forth.

Getting Orbs by Hunting Behemoths & Completing Quests
Starting out the only way to get orbs is by hunting behemoths through pursuits. The type of orb you can get will be the same as the type of behemoth you slay. This means that you can concentrate on specific behemoths to get specific orbs. For example, say you want to upgrade your blaze armor. You then need to concentrate your hunts on blaze behemoths to get blaze orbs.
To get an orb from a behemoth you will need to cut some part off the behemoth, with the tail seeming to be the best bet. There is however still a random factor and you have no guarantee of getting an orb even if you succeed in cutting off a tail or any other part of a behemoth
You can also earn orbs by completing quests. By combining the quests with the correct elemental type of the orbs you are farming will give you a slight boost in the total amount of orbs you get. However, the main reason for doing quests is to unlock another hunting option called “Patrol”.
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Getting Orbs From Patrols
The fastest way to farm orbs is by completing patrols. To unlock patrols you need to work on your mastery skills and complete a series of quests. When you finish the quest Katerin Sorrels gives you where you need to slay both a Skarn and a Shrike you get access to your first patrols which are against neutral and blaze behemoths. This usually happens around mastery level 6 – 8, assuming you are doing all the quests you are offered.
For each patrol you complete you get 10 orbs corresponding to the type of behemoth that you encountered during the patrol. So if you are aiming for shock orbs you need to complete a shock patrol to get 10 shock orbs, a blaze patrol to get 10 blaze orbs and so forth.
However, the power level of the behemoth that appears in a patrol is random. So when you are at your lower levels, you might risk meeting a behemoth which you have a hard time defeating. But don’t let that stop you. You are often teamed up with advanced players which are farming orbs who can carry you through if needed.
Farming Orbs With the Daily Orb Bonus
Every day you can get a bonus of 10 orbs for each completed patrol, twice. So if you are farming a specific orb type be sure that the first two patrols of the day are of the same elemental type as the orbs you are trying to farm. This daily bonus also applies to dull arcstones from Dire patrols.
Should you miss out on the daily patrol bonus it accumulates up to six bonuses for a single day. But if you miss more than three days on patrol bonuses, the rest is lost.
So that’s about all there is regarding Dauntless orb farming at this point. If you found this information useful then please share it with your friends and allies in Dauntless and feel free to check out my other Dauntless guides.
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