In June 2019, BDO introduced a new mode of travel: balloon transports. The Sky Balloons, run by the Old Moon guild, are safe ways to travel through the sky between Valencia, Altinova, and Calpheon. While not the fastest mode of travel, they are almost completely safe in case of wars between guilds.
The sky balloons are also a great way for newer players to explore the world, as getting to Valencia is a bit of a bother for lower-tiered characters. And to be honest, the view from the balloon is really nice, so you really should try it at least once.
Old Moon Sky Balloon Locations.
You can embark on a balloon transport in Valencia, Altinova, and Calpheon. The images below show you the locations of the sky balloons.

How to Use the Balloon Transport
To use the balloon transport you first need to have black stones in your inventory, either armor or weapon, as they are used to pay for the ticket. You then need to talk to the sky balloon manager and buy a ticket from him for a single black stone. Next, you go to the balloon transport assistant to select which city you are going to.
At Valencia you can only go to Altinova, at Altinova you can go to both Valencia and Calpheon and at Calpheon you can only go to Altinova. Hopefully, more locations will be added to this system on a later date, such as Margoria and some of the Islands.
Once you have selected your destination you need to wait for a bit before the balloon arrives. Then you simply need to sit down and the balloon will fly off with you to the selected destination. Once there you will automatically be disembarked from the balloon once it’s landed.
Finally, you don‘t want to log off during mid-flight as that will cause you to fall from the balloon to the ground. So that‘s about all there is to the balloon transport in Black Desert Online. Now if you found this guide useful then feel free to share it with your friends and allies and feel free to check out my other BDO guides.
Yep, I’ve fallen twice now, lost 3/4 health first time but landed on balloon station at least. I got to my destination I guess. Second time I fell I died and rez had a yellow triangle saying I had forced pvp killed someone and would lose karma as well as exp, didn’t lose either. Was only half way to Calpheon and had to run the rest of the way. Definitely bugged and it’s annoying because it takes forever to get around otherwise.
The second one I was wondering had I been shot down somehow but I didn’t see anyone around or get a notice of who I’d been killed by, so that wasn’t it. I’m not even sure you can be shot down, or can you?
I believe bdo has a strange way of perceiving if someone is losing connection and considers it lost if bandwidth goes down even just a little, so we fall. They can’t keep a connection to any lower than some amount. Other games I can log in with a low connection speed but not bdo. I wish they’d lower their server logon speed demand so I could at least fish okay when my internet is acting up, which is quite often being rural.
Falling to the ground will happen anyway, as the balloon doesn’t land properly. It happened twice to me. One time i travelled from Altinova to Valencia. When it had crossed the great desert and i came onto outer valencia there it just crashed and i lost 80% of my health. So it doesn’t reach Valencia City properly. The second time i travelled back to Altinova from Valencia City. And also here it didn’t landed properly, though the balloon was near the platform. But instead that my character was teleported to the ground it was launched from the sky instead (bit like tarhiel in morrowind) and i landed on a cage right in front of the astronomer. Instant death this time. And no, i didn’t logged out or something like that. I was still connected with the game. Sky balloon is just bugged.